Duck hunt
Zhuji Guanghui Machinery Co.,Ltd. 
Be careful though, you don't want them to get the idea that throwing things around are okay! Whatever you do, do what you can to get the children involved in tidying away their clothes, and getting them to understand it on their level, not yours. If you don't keep your laundry basket near any valuable (or breakable) objects you could consider playing a 'throwing' game, Taking it in turns to toss the dirty clothes into the laundry basket. You can guarantee that your child will rebel if you try to force him or her into the 'chore' of putting clothes into the laundry basket. Teaching Them The good news is that children really can be trained to put their clothes away, to get them to clean up after themselves. Looking at the state of my own bedroom floor it is hard to blame them too. Heaven forbid – there is no way I'd let me terror's anywhere near my expensive washing machine, never mind the trouble they could get into with the washing powder! 
 Instead this is about getting them to put their dirty clothes into the laundry basket. Or maybe a more active game is the way forward (since some children take time to grasp cause and effect). Like almost everything else you need to do when getting your child to do something you want you need to turn it into a game. You can do this any number of ways. Now we are not talking about letting them do the laundry in the washing machine. It could be that you want to set up a 'reward system' where by they get an 'x reward' if they keep their floor clothes free, but the value of the reward reduces every time you find clothes on their floor.It really can be difficult to teach children how to use a laundry basket. A simple task but anyone with children (and, I Socks Knitting Machine Manufacturers discovered recently, teenagers) will know how hard it is to get them to clean up after themselves. Many children enjoy being competitive so maybe a race to get as many clothes into the laundry basket as possible when the floor is hidden by the layer of clothes strewn across it.